Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday February 8 on The Dr. Phil Show: The Ex Wars

In this episode of Dr. Phill,Ex-wars is out of control! this despite between an ex-husband and an ex-wife is nuts! this ex-wife is so crazy,she even posted a bullieten on MTV's "Bully Beatdown" message board to grab the attention of host of MTV's "Bully beatdown" series to get someone to beat her ex-husband up.

I swear to god,when WOMEN divorce their husband...their inner evil really comes out...i mean,is it just me? or you would wanna kill that women  cause women are EVIL when their angry at their ex's. i mean,i know someone right now who is labeled a "sex offender" which is placed on his background records cause of some STUPID BITCH (his EX-wife) lied and she even admitted TO HIS FACE that because "she was angry" that's why she did it.

I maybe not that type of person either,but if anyone did that to me...let's just say they would be breathing through a tube for the rest of their lives.  DON'T get me wrong,us guys sometimes get out of hand whenever we're pissed off at someone...BUT,A MAJORITY OF YOU WOMEN are just plain friggin EVIL when it comes to being angry at someone. us guys would either kick your asses,or blasts your head off. You women would hit it where it HURTS,you females would key our cars,would set us up (or set us on fire),or you would (like the guy i know named David been through) place a false claim on our background records/police files just to SELFISHLY keep our children or something away from us.

I even have an uncle who divorce his Ex-wife,and WOW was it a nasty battle in the courts,she is such a damn liar,even her family won't believe her. even when my cousin (their son) would get in trouble,her side of the family would ask HIM (not her) what REALLy happened. reall... but,though everyone said my uncle should've never married her,but i see why they got along so well,cause they're BOTH crazy mental insane people. which reminds me,i still have to beat the crap out of my uncle for thinking he can "slap the s*** out of me" yeah,let's see about that when i pull out my pistol...anyways......

Maybe i'm wrong?,or maybe i'm right?
I wanna know what you all think of this?   comment below.

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